Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New Directions

No, not the boy band that makes your ears bleed. A NEW DIRECTION for my blog space!
It has been an entire year since I used this blog for anything, so I am doing an overhaul.
Coming soon I will give you an up close and personal diary of my craft explosion!! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Said What?

Last night I was having a conversation with my health coach and we talked about setting goals. Obviously as evidenced by the sporadic postings on this blog I need a little motivation in this department. It started out innocently enough, but by the end I had agreed to the goal of running a 5K this fall. Yes, this fall. In 7 months. No big deal, right? Allow me to acquaint you with my history of running:
Oh, was that section left blank? Exactly! In school we had to run the mile in P.E. every year and I dreaded it. I probably never even made it once around the track without stopping, but every year I seemed to finish it. That's something, I guess. In my late 20's I spent about a month trying to become a runner, but again I gave up. Although, unfortunately not before I bought some questionable "running" clothes. An off the shoulder t-shirt with a silver unicorn on the front? Yeah, that never made anyone faster...unless they were running AWAY from it!

Once I accepted the reality of this commitment I began to visualize what my training would look like......and then I got bored and started planning what music I would listen to instead. (FYI, there is a lot of Ke$ha, I am disappointed in myself.) But seriously, music is going to be key to the success of this situation. And also my friends, who have already started committing to helping me on this journey. I am excited, and terrified, but mostly excited. I am also going to try to continue to keep this blog updated even if I am the only person who reads it. So, let the games begin! After all, who knows what could happen?                   

Friday, June 21, 2013


There are things I'll never understand, like maternity photography or how to cook quinoa, but none so mystifying to me as why I never want to go to the gym. I want to be healthy and I want to lose weight, but I never get home from work and think, YESSSS, time for a workout. Or have my alarm go off at 5am and think, oh good, I was so sick of sleeping. About 50% of the time I make the right choice and drag my butt down there, but how can I make that 100%, or let's face it 75% would be better than good, right? Once I am there I enjoy my workout and never regret having done it, but it is that 10 minutes between walking in the door (or in some cases waking up) and getting my clothes on where I tend to talk myself out of it. I have tried bribery like $4 People magazines that I can only read at the gym, or super mega playlists to help get me pumped, but in the end escaping my own lazy is often hard to do. Since I have never been one to accept my faults (or even admit to them..let's be honest) I will continue to work on these things and hopefully reach a point where whether by force of habit or actual enjoyment I am dedicating myself to 4-5 workouts a week. If you have any ideas, short of George Clooney running in front of me as my proverbial carrot, please share in the comments!

Funny Confession Ecard: I'm going to the gym so I can tell you I'm going to the gym.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Here We Are Again

Ugh, this place is getting all too familiar. Why haven't I kept up with my blogging? Where am I in my progress? Today I am kicking myself in the ass and (hopefully) jump starting some progress on my goals. Since this didn't pan out I think it might be time to try a new approach:

Funny Confession Ecard: Rather than go on a diet, I'm hoping to get some sort of horrible stomach ailment.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Laziness Sets In

I don't know if it was the beautiful weather, or the close proximity to Thanksgiving, but I was LAZY this weekend! I planned to hit the gym at least once, enjoy an end of Autumn walk and cook some healthy and delicious meals, but instead I did none of the above! Grrrrr. I even ate some pizza on Saturday while I watched Nebraska kick the Gophers butts. This means that today I must get back on the straight and narrow. Today I am leaning on my Isagenix Facebook group to keep me from continuing down the wrong path! I used to think having a support group, or posting on a message board was lame, but honestly I have gotten so much motivation already today that I will now eat my words. After all, words are calorie free!
Coming soon: Healthy Thanksgiving post!

Funny Somewhat Topical Ecard: I wish cake went straight to my boobs.

Friday, November 16, 2012's not for everyone

Here is a picture of my lunch today:

Delicious and nutritious, but how do I get used to not having actual food to chew on? Admittedly, the excitement of mixing up my breakfast and lunch every day in my Magic Bullet is kind of entertaining and I am glad to be using it for something other than margaritas, but sometimes when the shake is gone I am left wondering where the food is. I have realized lately that I often think I need food, but when I stop to ask myself if I am actually hungry the answer is most commonly "no."
I am going to keep with it and come Monday we'll see how my first week's progress pans out!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I have to toot my own horn for just one second because I actually got up early and worked out before work today! I even fended off the guy who kept bending over in front of me and then looking back to see if I was watching him.